Want to Succeed? Don’t Chase Maximization

It takes all the fun out of it

Dylan Hughes


Photo by Carl Heyerdahl on Unsplash

It’s hard to find a medium on the internet that doesn’t peddle maximization.

Whether it’s YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, TikTok, or Medium, there is a healthy chunk of people trying to show you how to maximize your time in an effort to achieve greatness.

There’s always someone out there wanting to show you the hacks that will help you run a marathon, write a book, earn 1,000 followers, or earn a million dollars. If you’re lucky, they won’t even ask you to pay for the advice!

Once you escape the clutches of all those posts, you then have to somehow avoid the billion-and-one just like it on the perfect morning routine.

Discipline is important, don’t get me wrong. But chasing maximization will lead most down a road that makes them regret ever trying to find success in the first place.

There is something beautiful about a chase. We all love it whether we admit it or not.

It would be boring if we got what we wanted as soon as we wanted it. To case is to earn. The human spirit inside all of us can never feel totally fulfilled unless it has only what it earned.

I have been writing for a long time. I’ve made very little doing so. I’ve had exactly one…



Dylan Hughes

Three-time author writing on whatever interests me. Follow me on Instagram: chyaboidylan